
A very warm welcome to the Hanham Primary Federation:-

Samuel White’s Infants & Hanham Abbots Juniors

Creating a federation is a flexible and evolutionary process that allows the schools to define the make-up and systems, making it personal to the schools involved. We look forward to sharing our exciting federation journey with you.

Leaders and staff are ambitious for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), to succeed and thrive as individuals. Ofsted 2022

Pupils are thoughtful and inclusive. They appreciate difference and have a strong awareness of equality and respect for others. Ofsted 2022

Samuel Whites Infant School
Hanham Abbots Junior School

Proud to be part of…

In September 2023, Hanham Primary Federation (Samuel White’s Infants & Hanham Abbots Juniors) became part of The Leaf Multi-Academy Trust; a new family of 13 primary schools. This means that the school is now an Academy, funded directly by the Department of Education instead of South Gloucestershire Local Authority. The school continues to keep it’s own unique identity (including being referred to as Hanham Primary Federation and/or Samuel White’s Infants & Hanham Abbots Juniors) and will continue to work closely with the other maintained schools locally. However, in addition to this, we now have a special strategic relationship with the other schools in The Leaf Trust to help strengthen our successful community still further. To find out more, click on this link The Leaf Trust.

Reporting Absence

Samuel White’s Infants & Hanham Abbots Juniors

Due to the number of current absences, please could parents/carers report all absences either by email absence@hanhamprimaryfederation.org, or by calling the Absence Line: 01454 866576 (option 1) rather than reporting it to the class teacher or on Dojo.

We thank you for your co-operation in this matter.

School Hours

Can arrive between 8.45-9am and finish at 3.15pm

Start at 8.45am and finish at 3.15pm.


School Payments




Year Group Newsletters


Secondary Applications


Class Dojo

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Upcoming Events
10th Feb 2025 (Mon)
10:30 am - 11:00 am

Violin Lessons

10th Feb 2025 (Mon)
2:50 pm - 3:10 pm

Class assembly 3 Pandas

11th Feb 2025 (Tue)
9:20 am - 12:00 pm

Drum Lessons

11th Feb 2025 (Tue)
2:50 pm - 3:10 pm

Class assembly 3 Rhinos

12th Feb 2025 (Wed)
9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Guitar Lessons

12th Feb 2025 (Wed)
2:50 pm - 3:10 pm

Class assembly 4 Tigers

13th Feb 2025 (Thu)
2:50 pm - 3:10 pm

Class assembly 3 Tigers

14th Feb 2025 (Fri)
All Day

Inset Day

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Read what parents say about our schools

I’ve been talking to parents of other schools and I have to say (having children on both SW and HAJ ), the school and teachers have gone way over and beyond in comparison! We are so lucky to have such fab online access and amazing effort both in providing tasks and feedback.

We are a very lucky family to be part of the federation! It has gone a long way in keeping a structure at home and we will be forever grateful! A huge Thankyou and well done to all the teachers for their efforts and thoughtful replies.

Thank you so much to all of the teachers for making such an effort to make learning accessible. All of our teachers have given feedback and encouragement and my boys have loved seeing their comments. Thanks so much.

Wow! This was fantastic! What lucky children to have such amazing teachers! Thank you for cheering us up! My daughter can’t wait to get back to school and see everyone!

Wow that brought a tear to the eye! We miss you all and think you are doing a wonderful job. Thank you so much for everything you’re doing not just for our children but for us too. I hope you know how much we appreciate all the support during this very strang  time. You’re all amazing! Stay safe!

Thank you to all the staff at HPF, you have all been amazing and helped to keep the children (and parents) focused and inspired during these difficult times. The dojo site and all the work that has been put into it has been great. Wishing you all a well deserved break and hope you all keep safe and well!

Thank you to both SW & HA for all the hard work you have put in to providing us with this online work and facility. It has helped to keep a positive focus and some familiarity for us at home. It’s lovely receiving and reading the comments back from the teachers and such a boost for the children. Much appreciated.

Massive well done to all at HPF for adapting so well the last few weeks! When I was out clapping for the NHS last night, I was clapping for the teachers and all the other professions who have made our “new normal” so much easier!